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How Trainer Sameer got 20% more customers after completing "Fundamentals of Meal Planning" Course.


As the situation in past 18 months has changed it has affected all of us. One day while talking to Sameer he was mentioning about his Fitness Gym and current scenario.

As all other gyms were shut down for months and now slowly starting up it has affected their income badly. He has been training his clients online but Was not able to have that impact..

*When he came across to our platform he checked :Fundamental of meal planning course" and inquired us about it. He is very good trainers and wanted to help his clients to the next level…*

When he saw there is a special course on Fundamentals of Meal planning he just started with it….Completed course and at the end had few practical queries….Coaches at skill school of performance helped him resolved his queries and he was all set.

Within couple of weeks he started applying his knowledge for his clients and helped in improving their overall health…..This motivated him and he started getting referrals from his successful clients…That’s how he improved his income in just couple of weeks after completing "Fundamentals of Meal Planning Course"

*If your story also resonates with Sameer and you need similar results then get 90% discount on this amazing course here and avail it for just Rs 699. Adopt new skills and enhance your career today!*

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