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3 Things which affect your healthy Diet routine?


healthy food for adults
Healthy Diet For Adults

Are you one of those who is constantly striving to get healthy food, avoid junk and ensure your health status…Then you are at the right place. We at Skill school of performance help people lead healthy life, avoid lifestyle diseases and enjoy the life.

While so many of you trying to make it healthy, get stuck somewhere or the other place. Which affects your healthy food choices. As we have emotional connection with food it becomes difficult to an individual to make it healthy all the time. In our day to day life there are 3 things which affect our health food choices:

1. Who are you surrounded with?

Your friends and family is going to help you a lot in this journey. If you have your health buddy in this journey you can make it happen easily. But if your friends and family is completely foodies and offer you cheat meals every now and then – then you need a support. You can find out the support system in terms of community, coach, trainer, nutritionist who can guide you…who can support you in making healthy food choices and sticking to that.

2. How is your current health status?

Your current health in terms of weight, medical issues, hormonal balance etc is going to affect your food choices. You need to take some external help in understating this and then making changes. Doing it on your own might be difficult. Example – you have high stress level at work and you are also trying to lose weight. Now you need to learn to reduce stress as mental or physical stress is going to hinder your weight loss efforts. Once you understand that then try to modify your food choice

3. Why type of beliefs you have about food?

This may sound funny to you, but how you look at food also matters a lot. As mentioned in many of my messages food has emotional connect. As an individual if you feel “Eating rice will help you gain weight – that is what will happen” if you believe – “eating food will put me on weight” that is what will lead you to energy burn out and low self-esteem. This is a very strong factor which I have seen in many clients. They don’t know they have these beliefs and it is affecting their own health.

Now in case you wish to come forward and take control of your own health and want to manage your health in coming year you must check our “Adult Nutrition course”. This course offers basic learning about adult’s nutrition requirements and how to manage it on your own.

Click here to know more:

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